File No. 187 North Building Fire 北校舎のボヤ騒ぎ
It wasn’t actually a fire, but someone trashing the girls’ bathroom. Ever since this incident, Natsuno Minami stopped showing up at school.
北校舎の女子トイレの破壊は、南を襲った如月ドロイドと鞍部 玉緒のドロイド同士の戦いによるものだった。そしてこの時、如月ドロイドと玉緒ドロイドの中身が入れ替わってしまった。
The destruction of the north building girls’ bathroom was the result of the battle between the Tomi Kisaragi android, who was after Minami, and Tamao Kurabe’s android. This is also when the entity inside of the Kisaragi android and the Tamao android switched places.